Are Contact Lenses Comfortable?

Have you ever been fed up with wearing spectacles and feel they restrict your life somehow?
We have heard many people call their glasses as “scaffolding” on their face and lots of spectacle wearers hate the weight on their nose and also having red, sore marks on their noses from wearing them.
Imagine playing sport not worrying about having a restricted field of view or them falling off. Even that ideal situation of going to an important social function but not having to hide behind glasses so people actually see your face in its natural beauty!
Most people with an optical correction will consider contact lenses but then think “can I even put them in my eyes?” and “they must feel like having a foreign body in the eyes.”
The truth is that putting something in the eyes IS probably one of the most unnatural things to do.
However, modern contact lenses are so much more comfortable nowadays that often we hear people say that they cannot even feel them in the eyes =! That is honestly how reactions to the latest contact lenses are, even for brand new wearers who have never worn them before.
You may be wondering how is that possible? Well for a start, contact lenses on average can have a 50% water content, and this can go to approximately over 75% in some brands. This combined with a plastic hydrogel polymer makes an extremely soft substance that often is described as having a jelly like feel.
Place a soft contact lens in your hand or between your fingers and you can bend the edges together with ease.
So why do we hear a lot of people say they feel occasional discomfort in their eyes when they wear their contact lenses? We all know that water evaporates if you leave a small droplet of water on a surface as it will not stay there and soon form part of the air in the room. Contact lenses also will dehydrate throughout the day slightly, and if you are a dry eye sufferer there may be a slight awareness by the evening.
Is this a problem? No, because the type of contact lens that will be issued to you will be according to whether you have dry eyes and how long you wish to wear contact lenses for. In fact, even if you have dry eyes you can still usually be able to use contact lenses for a few hours to a social function, or that all important game of sport, or to the gym.
If someone produces a lot of tears and does not suffer dry eyes then they will often be fine with a basic grade of contact lens. However, even if you are a dry eye sufferer or have sensitive eyes, with some of the modern thin daily disposable contact lenses available, it is always still worth contacting us to trial contact lenses as there are solutions and options. You will never know until you try them!
What about if you wish to wear contact lenses for a long day out? We would recommend some high-quality contact lenses that are better at holding their moisture than some of the basic entry level ones, and with a combination of perhaps using comfort drops, there is a high chance you will still be able to enjoy contact lens wear.
So imagine that, being free of spectacles to do your favourite leisure or social activity without the common daily problems …. including the British weather when with spectacles we have to worry about the rain ruining our view!